Cosy Monty Nursery
for children from 1 to 3 years old.
Open 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mon-Fri all year round
Where can you find us? Španielova 6227/3, Ostrava-Poruba
Welcome to our small world!
Maximum number of children cared for at the same time is 4 per person (qualified children´s nurse).
Maximum number of children in the Monty Nursery at the same time is 10 children.
Minimum time of babysitting: 2 hours.
Tuition: 120 – 150 CZK/60 mins.
Contact us: Ms. Dominika Svrcinova, tel. +420 774 774 696,
1100 CZK/day from 7.00 to 17.00
Or 150 CZK/hour
Fees are refundable next month if children absent